Crews Letter #2010 01  Things to See, Places to Go, People to Meet

In North America

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Good morning Crew,


If you thought Perception sank, the crew drowned and CREWS LETTERS were no more, surprise.  If you thought, we could not let a season go by without sailing in the Med, almost.


This season we have stayed in North America for some events that happen here only in summer.  We have cruised and toured in Alaska, sailed with friends in Canada’s Pacific southwest.  Late September, early October, we will attend the Eventing portion of the World Equestrian Games in Kentucky. 

There is also the matter of “Show Mom”.  Our daughter Julia and her horse, Winston, compete in 3-Day Events.  Phyl takes joy in being part of the team.


Only in North America, only in Med sailing season, we are here by choice.


More to follow.


Keep a Tight Luff,

Phyl and Fred



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