Crews Letter #2007 03   The Lost Season

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SV Perception,  Cruise Ship


This report was written in June, 2008.  It is unclear what happened to the creative drive.  It just seemed to dissolve under very pleasant conditions and some great guests.  Crew from Colorado, Texas, Dubai, Finland and Bordeaux expressed an interest in a cruise in the previous winter.  Efes is the start or end of any cruise in Turkey and we booked all of their cruises just that way.



Gail, a returning crewman, and her recently acquired husband, Jim, for a cruise from Marmaris to Kuşadasi.




Gail sailed with us in 2002.  Off Jim’s right shoulder is the Library at Efes. 









We had our youngest passenger to date, Loren. 



Phyl was a bit disconcerted.



She brought her parents, grandmother, and good friends.












On short notice, Bert and Lahrye flew to Athens and joined us in Kos. 

Bert demonstrated that steering hot aircraft for the military and L-1011’s for Delta is good preparation for taking the helm of Perception. 

Lahrye dug deep into his military training from a long time ago and took over the navigation duties. 

Phyl and Fred sat back and let them do the work.


Bert was not impressed with the simplicity of Perception’s GPS.  The commercial aircraft variety have a few more bells and whistles.  Of course, aircraft  travel a hundred times faster. 

Different requirements, different tools.






Jack and Tatiana were scheduled for a cruise but found a better offer.  They bought an Island Packet in Florida and sailed her across the Gulf to Texas.  Their website is taking shape at

















In August, we took a vacation from the Mediterranean heat and Cruise Ship business.  We visited friends in Finland and France.  But that is another story and maybe the next Crews Letter.


Ease the sheet,

Phyl and Fred